Thursday, March 5, 2009


Two days after the snow fell it still had not melted, instead solidifying in to an icy mess that made driving difficult and playing outside both uncomfortable and a tad bit dangerous. With Sophia coming over and Henry already wired from days inside, I decided to do the next least healthy thing to laying around watching television: make brownies. So, with a little help from Alton Brown, we turned the oven on to 300...
Sifted out 1 1/4 cups of cocoa powder...Half a cup of flour...
One cup of sugar...
One cup of brown sugar, which is a considerable pain to sift...
Five eggs from the backyard chickens. The recipe only called for four, but the Ameraucana eggs are a tiny bit smaller than grocery store eggs, and one more egg will make anything a little better...
Those go in the mixer with half a pound of butter, two teaspoons of vanilla, half a teaspoon of salt...
Mix in the cocoa/flour mix and two types of sugars...Give this to the kids to tide them over...
Scrape it in a pan and throw it in the oven for forty-five minutes or so...
No photos were taken of the finished brownies.

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